Tags → #creativity
Creativity in the Age of AI: Signal Amid the Noise
AI, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Innovation, Identifying Signal, Abundant Creation, AI-powered Age, Trial and Error, Navigation, Isolation of Experiences
The Innovation Tension: Where Creativity Meets Value
Innovation is a delicate balance between unrestrained creativity and pragmatic value creation, both are necessary to create a meaningful impact.
Remixing Life: Embrace Your Unique Rhythm
Create your unique rhythm in life. Embrace reinvention, reimagination, and redoing. Your performance matters more than the script. Play on!
Becoming Art: The Power of Ideas
Fill your life with ideas and watch as each action becomes a thoughtful masterpiece. Duchamp's Fountain teaches us that art is about ideas, not just aesthetics.
Embrace the Unknown: Nurturing Wild Ideas
Don't dismiss crazy, risky, or complex ideas. They may seem wild, but they can change the world.
On Being Weird and Wonderful
Encouragement to embrace creativity and start something new. Be a trailblazer and watch others follow.
Unleash Your Inner Child
Letter to my sons on the topic of creativity and imagination. Stay inspired by being open-minded and keeping your inner child alive.